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Now in Qatar you can find all Moroccan Products in The luxury scrub, Soap, Argan oil and divers items from Morocco and handmade in Moroccan Life Style Shop in Qatar .   The Moroccan...


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Now in Qatar you can find all Moroccan Products in

The luxury scrub, Soap, Argan oil and divers items from Morocco and handmade in Moroccan Life Style Shop in Qatar .


The Moroccan Argan scrub

Prickly pear scrub is considered important for dry skin, as it helps moisturize and smooth the skin and add freshness to its outer crust. It is also very effective for treating acne. Free of parabens - free of colors - free of preservatives - free of artificial perfumes How to use: - Apply the scrub Apply to the skin in circular motions, then rub gently on the skin, then rinse with warm water
  • Organic Natural Pure cactus Scrub (Houttuynia Cordata) Soap Bar
  • Protect yourself from the various harmful chemicals contained in cosmetics - Depollution cactus Scrub  Organic Handmade Soap does not contain preservatives, artificial hardeners, or surfactants that cause skin irritation and trouble, so it is smooth without irritation even after washing face.
  • cactus Scrubis effective for skin irritations such as atopy, acne, and athelete’s foot - It has been used as a remedy since ancient times as it (is believed to promote blood circulation) and has excellent sterilization effects.


عتبر مقشر التين الشوكي مهماً لجفاف البشرة فهو يساعد على ترطيب الجلد ونعومتة وإضفاء النضارة على القشرة الخارجية له,كما انه فعال جداً لعلاج حب الشباب خالي من البارابين - خالي من الألوان - خالي من المواد الحافظة - خالي من العطور الاصطناعية طريقة الاستخدام :- يوضع المقشر على الجلد بحركات دائرية وبعد ذلك يفرك برفق على البشرة,ثم يشطف بالماء الدافئ

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